Services and Support for Adults Who Have Engaged in Harmful Sexual Behaviour and for Their Partners or Family Members
At WellStop we provide assessment and a range of treatment services to adults of any gender who have engaged in harmful or abusive sexual behaviour.
We work with a range of people including those with a cognitive, learning or developmental disability. We provide support and education to families.
We welcome enquiries from anyone who has concerns about their own or another person’s behaviour or from anyone who has found out that someone close to them has sexually harmed another person.
Have you been thinking of sexually abusing someone but don’t want to act on this?
We welcome enquiries from anyone who is concerned about their thoughts or feelings, or who may have taken some first steps towards engaging in harmful sexual behaviour but want to prevent this from occurring. Click here to learn about our prevention service for those with Concerning Sexual Ideation. We also encourage you to visit our Frequently Asked Questions – Adults with HSB page.
Click here to download a printable brochure about this service.
About Services for Adults with HSB
We have services for adults who have engaged in harmful sexual behaviour and support for their families available in most, but not all, WellStop regions. In some areas we offer Assessments by arrangement, however the client will need to travel for treatment. Family support may be provided in the area in which the family live. Click here to find out what services are available in your region.
At the assessment stage WellStop staff talk with the client, their family and others involved in supporting them. The client may also be asked to fill in some questionnaires.
The therapist will summarise this information and use some standard measures and tools to assist them to develop recommendations which inform treatment options. They will write a report and/or provide feedback as appropriate to the referrer, client, family and support people.
Treatment can include individual sessions for the client and family sessions, attending group sessions with other similar clients or family members, and sessions involving family or support people.
The purpose of treatment is to help clients resolve issues and understand their harmful behaviour, and to develop or enhance their skills to both prevent further harmful sexual behaviour and to build positive, fulfilling lives. Positive outcomes are enhanced by the strong involvement of support people.
Social Work and Family Support Services
WellStop therapists and social workers can provide support and information to clients, partners and family members, and support people at any stage. This might include:
Practical assistance
Helping to refer to other services or bring on other support people
Help with safety planning or monitoring the safety plan
Information or counselling to help people cope with the situation and the impact of the harmful behaviour.
Most of our services are covered by contracts. Where contract places are not available, or clients do not meet criteria for contracts, we can negotiate fee for service on occasion.
Services and Referral Information
Harmful Sexual Behaviour - Services for Adults
Assessment; individual therapy; group therapy; family therapy; support and education for clients, partners, families
Referrals are accepted from adults themselves or from their family, or others in the community, including Police and Department of Internal Affairs. Places are limited so there may be a waiting list
Adults are expected to meet the cost of assessments and therapy, however if the referral is accepted under our MSD contract this will subsidise the cost. Family members do not have to pay for support services
Referrals are accepted from Corrections via the Corrections referral process. Corrections covers the cost of services for their clients
Harmful Sexual Behaviour - Adult assessments by arrangement
In some areas we do not offer a full adult service but at times can arrange to have a staff member from another WellStop office travel to do an assessment
If there is any treatment required the client may need to travel to the nearest WellStop office that provides this service
Family support may be able to be provided by the local WellStop office.
Harmful Sexual Behaviour - Services for Adults with an Intellectual Disability
Assessment; individual therapy; group therapy; support and education for families, key workers, care staff
Referrals may be from the Forensic Coordination Service (Intellectual Disability), from community Intellectual Disability agencies, Needs Assessment agencies, other community agencies and families.
Family Support Service – For partners and family members of an adult who has sexually harmed others, when that person is not attending WellStop
Practical assistance and help navigating the system, referral to other supports, information and education, help with safety planning and monitoring, counselling regarding the impact of the behaviour and help to cope with the situation
Referrals from partners/family members themselves, or from others in the community
No cost for this service.
Confidentiality: WellStop has some limitations to the types of things that we keep confidential, so if you have concerns about referring someone, please read our confidentiality policy first.
You can find out what specific Adult services are available in your area.
See also our Prevention page for treatment and support for those who are thinking, planning or taking first steps towards sexually abusing another person and want to prevent this. We also encourage you to visit our FAQ's - Adults page.
Hei ahei te haerenga o tātou I tēnei wāhi he haerenga i te rangimarie, whakamurua, whakamana hoki
Allow the journey of those in this place to be a journey of peace, forgiveness and empowerment